Develop a Russian shopping vocabulary to gain a new cultural experience when traveling. Whether you're shopping for clothes, food, or souvenirs, you can use the following phrases in any Russian speaking country to help you find just the right thing.
The following words can be used in a variety of shopping situations.
Kassiry (kuh-SEE-rih) (cashiers)
kryeditnyye kartochki (kree-DEET-nih-eh KAHR-tuhch-kee) (credit cards)
dorozhye (dah-ROH-zheh) (more expensive)
dyeshyevlye (dee-SHEHV-l'eh) (cheaper)
bol'shoj (bahl'-SHOHY) (big)
malyenkij (MAH-leen'-keey) (small)
The first step to a successful shopping expedition is to know where to shop. For starters, you can buy anything (other than food) in either a univyermagi (oo-nee-veer-MAH-gee) (department stores) or magaziny (muh-guh-ZEE-nih) (stores), but if you're looking for something specific, you'll want to check out some of the following stores:
antikvarnyj magazin (uhn-tee-KVAHR-nihy muh-guh-ZEEN) (antique store)
fototovary (FOH-tuh-tah-VAH-rih) (photography store)
gazyetnyj kiosk (guh-Z'EHT-nihy kee-OHSK) (newsstand)
kantsyelyarskiye tovary (kuhn-tsih-L'AHR-skee-eh tah-VAH-rih) (stationery)
odyezhda (ah-D'EHZH-duh) (clothing)
suvyeniry (soo-vee-NEE-rih) (souvenir store)
tsvyety (tsvee-TIH) (florist)
Regardless of the type of shopping you do, the following phrases can come in handy.
Eto ochyen' dorogo. (EH-tuh OH-cheen' DOH-ruh-guh) (It's very expensive.)
Eto dyoshyevo! (EH-tuh DYO-shih-vuh) (It's cheap!)
Ya voz'mu eto. (ya vahz'-MOO EH-tuh) (I'll take it.)
Ya eto kuplyu. (ya EH-tuh koo-PL'OO) (I'll buy it.)
Skol'ko stoit . . . ? (SKOHL'-kuh STOH-eet . . . ?) (How much does . . . cost?).
Grocery shopping
You can get your groceries at either the produktovyyj magazin (pruh-dook-TOH-vihy muh-guh-ZEEN) (grocery store) or a rynok (RIH-nuhk) (market). Most Russians buy their produce at a farmers' market because the produce is generally fresher there. The following is a list of some of the more popular produce items:
Russian | Pronunciation | Translation |
Gorokh | guh-ROHKH | Peas |
Kapusta | kuh-POOS-tuh | Cabbages |
Klubnika | kloob-NEE-kuh | Strawberries |
Luk | look | Onions |
morkov' | mahr-KOHF' | Carrots |
Ogurtsy | uh-goor-TSIH | Cucumbers |
Pomidory | puh-mee-DOH-rih | Tomatoes |
Svyokla | SVYOK-luh | Beets |
Bubliki | BOOB-lee-kee | Bagels |
Govyadina | gah-VYA-dee-nuh | Beef |
Jogurt | YO-goort | Yogurt |
Khlyeb | khl'ehp | Bread |
Kofye | KOH-f'eh | Coffee |
Kolbasa | kuhl-buh-SAH | Sausage |
Kuritsa | KOO-ree-tsuh | Chicken |
Ris | rees | Rice |
Ryba | RIH-buh | Fish |
Sakhar | SAH-khuhr | Sugar |
Svinina | svee-NEE-nuh | Pork |
Syr | sihr | Cheese |
Yajtsa | YAHY-tsuh | Eggs |
Shopping for clothes
Russians generally believe that first impressions are based on the how the person is dressed. Consequently, you're likely to see Russians well-dressed in public, even in informal situations. To improve your first impression, you might want to go shopping for clothes. The following words can help when you're shopping for clothes.
Russian | Pronunciation | Translation |
pal'to | puhl'-TOH | coat |
Krossovki | krah-SOHF-kee | sneakers |
Sapogi | suh-pah-GEE | boots |
kupal'nik | koo-PAHL'-neek | bathing suit |
Noski | nahs-KEE | socks |
nosovoj platok | nuh-sah-VOHY pluh-TOHK | handkerchief |
Pyerchatki | peer-CHAHT-kee | gloves |
Zontik | ZOHN-teek | umbrella |
Bryuki | BRYU-kee | pants |
Kostyum | kahs-TYUM | suit |
Maika | MAHY-kuh | T-shirt |
Plavki | PLAHF-kee | swimming trunks |
Rubashka | roo-BAHSH-kuh | shirt |
Shorty | SHOHR-tih | shorts |
Svitehr | SVEE-tehr | sweater |
Bluzka | BLOOS-kuh | blouse |
plat'ye | PLAH-t'yeh | dress |
Yubka | YUP-kuh | skirt |
Sharf | shahrf | scarf |
Shlyapa | SHL'AH-puh | hat |
The following phrases can be helpful when you're shopping for clothes.
A potyemnyeye/posvyetlyye yest'? (uh puh-teem-N'EH-eh/puhs-veet-L'EH-eh yest'?) (Do you have it in a darker/lighter shade?).
Ya noshu razmyer . . . (ya nah-SHOO ruhz-M'EHR) (I wear size . . .)
Eto moj razmyer. (EH-tuh mohy ruhz-M'EHR) (This is my size.)
Kakoj vash/u vas razmyer? (kuh-KOHY vahsh/oo vahs ruhz-M'EHR?) (What's your size?)
Eto khorosho sidit (EH-tuh khuh-rah-SHOH see-DEET) (It fits).
Eto plohkho sidit (EH-tuh PLOH-khuh see-DEET) (It doesn't fit).
Mnye nravitsya eta kurtka (mn'eh NRAH-veet-s'uh EH-tuh KOORT-kuh) (I like this coat).