To properly prepare for the MAT, you need to familiarize yourself with basic science terminology, including scientific measurements. Brush up on your knowledge of measurements by studying these terms and their definitions.
Ampere: Unit of electrical current
Beaufort: Scale that measures wind speed
Bit: Unit in computer engineering; 1/8 of a byte
Byte: Unit in computer engineering; 8 bits
Caliber: Diameter of a bullet or shell
Carat: Measures diamonds or gold
Celsius: Temperature scale on which 0 is freezing and 100 is boiling
Centi-: Metric prefix; 1/100
Cord: 128 cubic feet of timber
Curie: Unit of radioactivity
Deci-: Metric prefix; 1/10
Decibel: Logarithmic unit that measures sound
Fahrenheit: Temperature scale on which 32 is freezing and 212 is boiling
Fathom: Used for measuring depth; 6 feet
Furlong: Unit of distance; 1/8 of a mile
Hectare: 2.47 acres of land
Hertz: Unit of frequency
Joule: Unit of energy
Kelvin: Temperature scale on which all degrees equal Celsius plus 273
Kilo-: Metric prefix; 1,000
Knot: Unit of speed for ships
League: Unit of distance for ships; 3 miles
Milli-: Metric prefix; 1/1000
Ohm: Unit of electrical resistance
pH: Scale that measures acids and bases
Richter: Scale that measures movements of the earth
Score: 20
Stone: 14 pounds
Volt: Unit of electricity
Watt: Unit of power