
Search Engine Optimization Marketing in the Music Business

2016-03-26 7:35:26
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It is important to consider SEO when developing your marketing strategy for the music business. When you apply SEO (search engine optimization) tactics to each post, you help make each blog, video, and photo that much more findable in the search engines.

Even though a post goes up on that day you post it, if correctly formatted, that post can serve as an additional marketing push for a long time to come. Take the time to format the posts you create with the right formatting for both SEO and strong marketing to get the long-term results.

New phrases to attract and connect

Creating specific keyword phrases as enticing titles to your posts will lead more people to you. By thinking in terms of SEO, you can more easily come up with different ideas for posts, videos, audios, and photo titles. It’s not always about a selling phrase but rather phrases that people are searching on that will lead them to you. Although “Buy Our New Album” might seem like a great phrase to start content with, “Funk Sounds with a Rock Feel” can be a better phrase to capture more interest.

Instead of something short like “rock music” for a keyword phrase (which a lot of people may search on), try for a long-tail phrase like “rock music for the pop fans.” Long-tail phrases are just longer keyword phrases that are more than four words. Answers and statements are also great for SEO, like “how we approach rock and roll.”

Writing content around keyword phrases

When you work on your editorial calendar and plan out your posts and content, think about the keyword phrase you want to create first and then allow the content to flow. For example, instead of trying to come up with content ideas and then formulating the headline or primary keyword phrase you want to use, try thinking of a phrase for SEO like “recording studio tactics used on the new Kitty Live Avocado album.”

Here you have 65 characters, (which is a great number for titles on blogs or videos; always try for at least 50 characters, including spaces, and stay under 68 characters for the best SEO results) using the primary keyword phrase “recording studio tactics.” From that title, the band can write a blog or shoot a video that talks about tactics used in the studio for their recording.

Keyword promotion advertising

With sites like Google Adwords, you can promote certain keyword phrases that people search on to highlight your posts, ad, or pages. It’s better to focus on creating stronger posts that build up their SEO and show up in these searches rather than paying for certain words or phrases that help only for a short while.

Pay-per-click advertising

On Twitter as well as sites like Facebook there is an offer to pay a certain price for the people that click through when you sign up for certain advertisements. This means that when you create the ad, you are paying a certain fee for everyone that clicks through. This can be costly to get the click through and doesn’t always mean it will convert to a sale.

For example, an ad on Facebook might lead you to an online shoe seller. The shoe seller pays Facebook for each click on its ad. Facebook makes money; the shoe seller gets traffic.

The artist buying the ad has to pay for each click from the social media site on which they’re advertising. The plus side is that you can limit the amount of clicks or a certain amount that will not be exceeded.

Impression advertising

Impression advertising is a preferred method for marketing your ads. You can pay for the amount of impressions (or an advertisement) that show up on a given social media page. In some cases, they show up on normal web pages on other sites. Every time someone loads a page to a social media site or other website when your ad appears, that’s an impression. Impressions allow you to be seen that many more times, which can help push your marketing toward consistent recognition.

Brand recognition and marketing come from consistency, which is a plus for impression ads. The other plus about impression ads with many of the services that sell them is that if they click through once, those ads continue to show up time and time again, which can help convert them to fans and sales over time.

Sometimes you can’t tell the difference between an impression ad or a click-through if you’re just the viewer. These ads show up in sections that are usually marked ad or advertisement.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Loren Weisman is a music business consultant, speaker, and author who has been a part of over 700 albums. He also maintains TV production credits for three major networks and has served as a media consultant for many businesses in and out of the arts and entertainment fields. Loren is an executive producer and co-creator of Leveraging Smart, a new reality business TV show airing in 2016.