
Speaking Russian at Work

2021-01-29 15:31:16
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Thanks to the global nature of many Russian businesses today, speaking Russian at work is quickly becoming a primary reason for people to learn Russian. Whether you’re looking for a job in a Russian-speaking country or just need to talk with coworkers there, you'll need to know some key words and phrases to help ease your way.

Office equipment and supplies

Use the following words to describe typical office equipment and supplies.

karandash (pencil)
pis’myennyj stol (desk)
stul (chair)
komp’yutyerom (computer)
tyelyefon (telephone)
ryezyumye (ree-zyu-meh) (résumé)
sajt po poisku raboty (sahjt pah poh-ees-koo ruh-boh-tih) (job finder Web site)
razryeshyeniye na rabotu (ruhz-ree-sheh-nee-eh nuh ruh-boh-too) (work authorization)

Meetings and mail

You’ll need to know the following words when scheduling meetings.

prikryeplyonnij fajl/document (attachment)
faks (fahks) (fax)
imyeil (e‑mail)
adryes elektronnoj pochty (e-mail address)
ntyerv’yu (interview)
naznachit’ vstryechu (nuh-znah-cheet’ fstrye-choo) (make an appointment)

Job titles

There are many ways to refer to other people you work with. One of the most common is by job title. The following words will come in handy in most business settings.

yenyedzhyer (manager)
nachal’nik (boss)
kliyent (client)
kollyega (colleague)

Useful phrases

Try putting some of these terms together into some phrases that might come in handy at the office.

  • Davajtye vstryetimsya v dyevyat’ chasov utra. (duh-vahy-tee fstrye-teem-sye v dye-veet’ chuh-sohf oo-trah) (Let’s meet at 9 a.m.)

  • Ya budu vas zhdat’ v tri chasa dnya. (ya boo-doo vahs zhdaht’ f tree chuh-sah dnya) (I’ll be waiting for you at 3 p.m.)

  • Ya budu zhdat’ vashyego zvonka v dyesyat’ chasov utra. (ya boo-doo zhdaht’ vah-shih-vuh zvahn-kah v dye-seet’ chuh-sohf oo-trah) (I’ll be waiting for your phone call at 10 a.m.)

  • Ya vam pozvonyu v dva chasa dnya. (ya vahm puh-zvah-nyu v dvah chuh-sah dnya) (I’ll call you at 2 p.m.)

  • Kakoj u vas imyeil? (kuh-kohy oo vahs ee-meh-eel?) (What is your e-mail address? [literally: What is your e-mail?])

  • U vas yest’ imyeil? (oo vas yest’ ee-meh-eel?) (Do you have e-mail?)

  • Ya mogu vam chyem-nibud’ pomoch’? (ya mah-goo vahm chehm-nee-boot’ pah-mohch?) (Can I help you with anything?)

  • Zdravstvujtye. Eto + your name. Pozvonitye mnye pozhalujsta. Moj nomyer tyelyefona + your phone number. (zdrah-stvooy-tee. eh-tuh . . . puhz-vah-nee-tee mnye pah-zhah-luh-stuh. moy noh-meer tee-lee-foh-nuh . . .) (Hello! This is . . . Call me please. My phone number is...)

  • Ya poshlyu tyebye imejl. (ya pahsh-lyoo tee-bye ee-meh-eel) (I’ll e-mail you.)

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