Spray blocking is similar to wet blocking, but instead of immersing a piece completely in water, you spray it with water to dampen the fabric. It's kind of like spritzing your hair to spruce up your 'do when you don't have time to wash it.
Use spray blocking when your piece needs only a little bit of help to shape up or when you don't want to take the time to wet block. Here's how to spray block:
- Prepare a blocking surface that's suitable for pinning down your design. You need a flat, padded surface that's large enough to accommodate your design when you stretch it to its finished measurements. (The surface must be padded so you can pin your piece down.) A bed, the floor, a large piece of sturdy cardboard covered in plastic wrap, an ironing board, or a mesh drying rack all work fine as a padded surface.
- Lay out your design on the blocking surface, stretching it to the correct measurements; with rustproof pins, pin it in place along the edges every few inches to make sure it stays put.
- Grab a clean spray bottle filled with lukewarm water and spray the design evenly to a uniform dampness.
- Gently smooth the fabric with your hands to even it out, shaping any three-dimensional stitches as needed.
- Allow the design to dry completely before removing it from the blocking surface.