Following is a handy reference that you can use to control and access your BeagleBone’s general purpose input/output (GPIOs) with the file system, BoneScript, and Python.
Controlling the GPIO with the file system
You can use the following commands to control the GPIO with the file system.
Exporting a pin:
echo 40 > /sys/class/gpio/export
Setting a pin OUTPUT:
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/direction
Writing a pin HIGH:
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/value
Writing a pin LOW:
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/value
Setting a pin INPUT:
echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/direction
Reading the value from an INPUT pin (returns 1 for HIGH and 0 for LOW):
cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio40/value
Controlling the GPIO with BoneScript
You can use the following BoneScript commands to control the GPIO.
Loading a BoneScript module:
var b = require('bonescript');
Setting a pin OUTPUT:
b.pinMode("P9_14", b.OUTPUT);
Writing a pin HIGH:
b.digitalWrite("P9_14", b.HIGH);
Writing a pin LOW:
b.digitalWrite("P9_14", b.LOW);
Setting a pin INPUT:
b.pinMode("P8_11", b.INPUT);
Reading the value from a digital INPUT pin (returns HIGH or LOW):
Setting a pin for pulse-width modulation (PWM) with 50 percent duty cycle:
b.pinMode('P9_14', b.OUTPUT); b.analogWrite('P9_14', 0.5);
Reading the value from an analog INPUT pin (returns a value between 0 and 1):
Controlling the GPIO with Python
You can use the following Python commands to control the GPIO.
Importing Adafruit’s BeagleBone Input Output Library:
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO
Setting a pin OUTPUT:
GPIO.setup("P9_14", GPIO.OUT)
Writing a pin HIGH:
GPIO.output("P9_14", GPIO.HIGH)
Writing a pin LOW:
GPIO.output("P9_14", GPIO.LOW)
Setting a pin INPUT:
GPIO.setup("P8_11", GPIO.IN)
Reading the value from a digital INPUT pin (returns HIGH or LOW):
Setting a pin for PWM with 50 percent duty cycle:
import Adafruit_BBIO.PWM as PWM PWM.start("P9_14", 50)
Setting an analog INPUT:
import Adafruit_BBIO.ADC as ADC ADC.setup()
Reading the value from an analog INPUT pin (returns a value between 0 and 1):
analogReading ="P9_40")