Macs play chess. Challenge the computer or watch the computer challenge itself (Applications).
Macs are multilingual. Display menus and dialog boxes in more than a two-dozen foreign languages. (Choose Language & Region in System Preferences.)
Macs recognize speech. Use your voice to open applications, choose menu items, send e-mail and dictate text. (Choose Dictation & Speech in System Preferences.)
Macs enable you to use parental controls. Specify Web sites your kids can visit, people they can e-mail or chat with, and applications they can run. (Choose Parental Controls in System Preferences.)
Macs allow video conferencing. Hold a video conference through Messages (Applications) or eyeball pals on video calls to iPhones , iPads, iPod touches and other Macs through FaceTime.
5 Mac Features to Check Out
2016-07-24 20:27:36
From The Book:
Macs are full of fun and useful applications. Check out the following features as you need them or have the time. Your Mac adventures await.