
How to Delete a Local Account in Windows 10

2018-08-08 19:16:54
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Windows 10 All-in-One For Dummies
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Local accounts are a great way to allows others to use your Windows 10 computer without compromising any of your information. Even so, there may come a time when your local account becomes obsolete. In that event, it’s time to delete it. Follow these simple steps to delete a local account from your Windows 10 device:
  1. Before you delete a local account, make sure that the user of that account is signed out.

    Moreover, you must be signed in to a Microsoft Account to delete a local account.

  2. Select your name on the Start screen and choose Change Account Settings.

    You land in the Your Info page of the Settings screen. Does it say “administrator” under your name? Hopefully so, because you must be your computer’s administrator to delete a local account. On the Accounts screen, select Family & Other People.

  3. Select the account you want to delete and then select the Remove button.
  4. In the Delete Account and Data window, select the Delete Account and Data button.
delete account Windows 10

Take heed of the onscreen warning. Deleting a user account removes the user’s data, including all documents, music, and other files. If you're not sure which option is best, choose Cancel.

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About the book author:

Peter Weverka is a veteran For Dummies author who has written about a wide variety of applications. Along with two bestselling editions of Office All-in-One For Dummies, Peter has written PowerPoint All-in-One For Dummies and Microsoft Money For Dummies.