
Windows 11 For Dummies Cheat Sheet

2024-11-04 19:52:35
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Windows 11 All-in-One For Dummies
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Six years after saying Windows 10 was the “last” version of Windows, Microsoft released Windows 11 on October 5, 2021. Fast forward three years, and Microsoft has unveiled the second iteration, dubbed Windows 11 2024 Update. Discover tips to help you work with the latest edition of Windows, Windows 11, as well as shortcuts to work more quickly and efficiently.

The biggest changes that come with Windows 11 2024 update

At first glance, Windows 11 2024 Update may appear almost identical to its predecessor. So, what’s different? Essentially, the latest release integrates AI (artificial intelligence) into Windows and some of its built-in apps. Here’s how you can leverage this AI to streamline your life:

  • Take advantage of Copilot: Serving as the umbrella term for Microsoft’s AI offerings, Copilot is now a built-in feature of Windows, available at no cost. Simply click the Copilot icon at the bottom-right of your screen.
  • Find instant tech help: No longer do you need to seek assistance from cranky nerds and irritable tech experts when perplexing tech messages arise. AI is equipped to handle almost any technical question you may have.
  • Get writing assistance: Whether you are writing business letters, poems, research papers, recipes, scripts, outlines, or any other written work, AI can craft it for you, typing approximately 1,000 words per minute flawlessly. It’s an excellent starting point for any writing task.
  • Create pictures from words: Forget scouring the web for free-use images. Describe what you need to Copilot, and it will generate an original visual for you.  
  • Edit images: The renowned Photoshop, known for its complexity and cost, now has a competitor in the form of a user-friendly, complimentary pop-up image editor with many similar features.  
  • Use Microsoft Designer: Use Microsoft Designer to create social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other popular sites.  
  • Edit video: Forget expensive and complicated video editors. The free Clipchamp video editor now boasts an AI mode that enables you to create videos and slideshows with a few clicks.  
  • Implement ease-of-use improvements: Take advantage of instant image magnification, hearing aid support, an energy-saver for laptop batteries, snap layouts for easily arranging open windows, File Explorer updates for easier navigation are all at your fingertips, and more.
  • Get PC support from built-in AI: New kinds of computer chips can speed up time-consuming AI tasks. You don’t need an AI PC to run this new Windows 11 version, but if you have one, Windows 2024 Update will take full advantage of its capabilities.

Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11

Windows 11 2024 Update preserves the keyboard shortcuts from earlier Windows versions. For those transitioning from Mac, the Ctrl key replaces the Cmd (Command) key for shortcuts. Word shortcuts are applicable in any formatted text field, not solely in Microsoft Word. Similarly, browser shortcuts work in Microsoft Edge and most other web browsers.

Shortcut Key Action
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+B Boldface (Word), open bookmarks (browsers)
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+D Change font (Word), create bookmark (browsers)
Ctrl+E Center (Word), focus on address bar (browsers)
Ctrl+F Find on this page
Ctrl+G Find next
Ctrl+H Find and replace (Word), open history (browsers)
Ctrl+I Italic
Ctrl+J Justify (Word), open downloads (browsers)
Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink (Word), open search bar (browsers)
Ctrl+L Left align (Word), focus on address bar (browsers)
Ctrl+M Indent paragraph (Word)
Ctrl+N New document (most apps), open new window (browsers)
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+Q Quit (browsers)
Ctrl+R Right align (Word), reload page (browsers)
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+T Hanging indent (Word), open new tab (browsers)
Ctrl+U Underline (Word), view page source (browsers)
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+W Close (Word), close tab (browsers)
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+Z Undo

The Windows key, sporting the Windows logo, offers these handy shortcuts:

Shortcut Key Action
Windows+A Open Quick Settings
Windows+B Focus on the first icon in the taskbar system tray
Windows+D Display (and hide) the desktop
Windows+E Open File Explorer
Windows+F Open Feedback Hub
Windows+G Open Xbox game bar (if available)
Windows+H Open voice typing (speech dictation)
Windows+I Open Windows Settings
Windows+L Lock your PC
Windows+M Minimize all open windows
Windows+N Open notification center and calendar
Windows+O Lock screen rotation (orientation)
Windows+P Switch display modes
Windows+Q Open Search menu
Windows+R Open Run
Windows+S Open Search menu
Windows+T Cycle through and focus on taskbar application icons
Windows+U Open accessibility settings
Windows+V Open clipboard history (if enabled)
Windows+W Open (or close) the Widgets menu
Windows+X Open the power user menu
Windows+Y Switch between Mixed Reality and desktop (if available)
Windows+Z Open Snap layouts (if a window is open)

If you forget any shortcuts and don’t have this book handy, just tell Copilot Chat to "List all the Windows 11 shortcuts."

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Alan Simpson is a web development professional and prolific tech author with more than 100 publications to his credit.