Samsung Galaxy Tabs For Dummies
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It is highly recommended that you create a custom e-mail signature for sending messages from your Samsung Galaxy tablet. It is an easy thing to set up. Here’s an example of a signature from a tablet:

This was sent from my Galaxy tablet.
Typos, no matter how hilarious, are unintentional.

To create a signature for Gmail, obey these seven simple directions:

  1. Start the Gmail app.

  2. Touch the Menu button.

  3. Choose Settings.

  4. Choose your Gmail account.

  5. Choose Signature.

  6. Type or dictate your signature.

    If the account already has a signature, you can delete or edit it.

  7. Touch OK.

To set a signature for the Email app, heed these six easy steps:

  1. While using the Email app, touch the Menu button.

  2. Choose Settings.

  3. On the left side of the screen, select an account.

    Email app signatures are set by account. If you have multiple accounts, you need to select each one to set up a signature.

  4. Choose Signature.

  5. Type or dictate your new outgoing e-mail signature.

  6. Touch the Done button.

Repeat Steps 3 through 6 for each of your Email accounts. This ensures that all messages sent from your tablet have your signature.

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About the book author:

Dan Gookin combined his love of writing with his gizmo fascination nearly 30 years ago to produce more than 160 informative, entertaining books demystifying technology. Perhaps his most famous is DOS For Dummies, published in 1991, which became the world's fastest-selling computer book and launched the entire For Dummies franchise.

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