You can use the cable that came with your TI-84 Plus calculator to connect your calculator to your computer. The USB computer cable that came with your calculator is a USB-to-mini-USB cable.
Because the ends of this cable are of different sizes, it’s easy to figure out how to connect your calculator to your computer; the small end fits in the right slot on the top of your calculator and the other end plugs into one of your computer’s USB ports.
The USB Silver Edition Cable can be used to connect your calculator to your computer. The plug end of this cable fits into the top left slot on your calculator, called the I/O port.
Press o after you connect your calculator to your computer using a USB computer cable. The action of turning on your calculator helps your computer recognize the device that is connected through the USB hub of your computer.
Click the TI Device Explorer icon on the TI Connect Home screen. A Select TI Device dialog box opens. It may take a minute of searching to find your connected device. When you see your device in the dialog box, click on it to highlight and then click the Select button.