The My Documents menu on the TI-Nspire differs slightly depending on whether you have a folder or file highlighted. To access the My Documents menu, press the [MENU] key. Here are the menu options available for a highlighted folder (first screen) and a highlighted file (second screen).

Notice that the My Documents menu contains an alternate way to expand or collapse folders. Two other related options, Expand All and Collapse All, are available on the My Documents menu (press [MENU]).
How to organize with folders on the TI-Nspire
The My Documents menu can be used to help you organize your folders and files.

Here two folders are named by subject, Algebra 2 and Geometry. To add another folder, say, Precalculus, press [ON]→My Documents, then press [MENU]→New Folder. A new folder, temporarily named Folder1, appears. Using the alpha keys, type the name of your new folder and press [ENTER].
TI-Nspire can hold a lot of files, so it’s a good idea to spend time thinking about how you want to use folders to organize your documents. In fact, each folder can hold subfolders to help in your organization of documents.
How to rename files and folders on the TI-Nspire
Perhaps you made a mistake naming a file or folder. Simply highlight the file or folder and press [MENU]→Rename. A secondary box appears around the highlighted file or folder with the existing name highlighted in gray. Start typing the new name and press [ENTER] when you are finished.
Filenames and folder names can be 255 characters long. You can use almost any character, including spaces, as part of a filename or folder name.
Other My Documents menu items on the TI-Nspire
You may have noticed a few other options located on the My Documents menu. Two of these options, Save As and Send, are only available if you have a file highlighted rather than a folder.
You also have the options to Save As and Open a highlighted file. Selecting the Save As option automatically opens a dialog box that allows you to type a new filename, then you can save within the same folder or a different folder. This feature saves a copy and preserves the original file.

To delete a document, right-click, [CTRL][MENU]→Delete (or press [DEL] over a highlighted document). As a safeguard, a prompt asks whether you really want to delete the file. See the second and third screens.