The TI-Nspire's Notes application includes three templates from which to choose. Here is a description of each of these templates and some reasons why you might use each template with your TI-Nspire graphing calculator.
How to use the Notes Default template
From within an existing document, press [CTRL][DOC]→Add Notes to open a new Notes page. Alternatively, press [CTRL][I] and select Add Notes from the list of available options.
The Notes application opens in the Default template, as shown in the first screen. The Default template is the most commonly used template; it resembles a blank sheet of paper.
The second screen shows how the blank page is typically used to provide instructions and enhance the continuity of a document. The third screen is included for reference.
How to use the Notes Q&A template
Press [MENU]→Template→Q&A to access the Q&A template. As this name implies, this template is used to pose and answer questions.
The first screen shows the Q&A template with a question contained in the top portion of the screen. To move the cursor to the answer portion of the screen, press [TAB] three times. If no text is in the question area, you only need to press [TAB] twice. You can then type your response, as shown in the second screen.
Notice the symbol located near the middle of the screen. Press [TAB] until you move from the question region and activate this control. Press [ENTER] to collapse the answer region, which is a good option if you want to include the answer but keep it hidden from view. This icon changes when the answer region is hidden from view. Activate the Expand/Collapse control and press [ENTER] again to expand the answer region.
How to use the Notes Proof template
Press [MENU]→Template→Proof to access the Proof template.
In the first screen, a page is configured with the Notes application on the left (Default view) and the Geometry application on the right. This serves to present the problem, with a related sketch, to be proved.
In the second screen, a Notes page is opened and configured for the Proof template. As you can see, some statements and reasons are included. A student was asked to fill in the missing statements and reasons.
The third screen contains the complete proof.
It’s okay for the length of a proof to extend beyond the viewable region. If so, a scroll bar appears on the right side of the screen. As you can see, several symbols are included with the proof.