
How to Add E-Mail Accounts to Your Android Tablet

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2016-03-26 11:12:10
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The Email app on your Android tablet can be configured to pick up mail from multiple sources. If you have a Yahoo! Mail or Windows Live account and maybe an evil corporate account in addition to your ISP’s account, you can add them. Follow through with these steps:

  1. In the Email app, touch the Action Overflow or Menu icon.

  2. Choose the Settings command.

    If you don’t see the Settings command, you probably aren’t at the top level of the Email app: Touch the app icon in the upper left corner of the screen until you see the Email app’s main screen.

  3. Touch the Add Account button.

    The Account Setup or Account Options screen appears. Follow the prompts to set up your account.

You can also add new Email accounts by using the Settings app. Obey these directions:

  1. Start the Settings app.

    It’s found in the Apps drawer; touch the Apps icon on the Home screen to view the Apps drawer.

  2. In the Accounts area, choose Add Account.

    On some Samsung tablets, touch the General tab and then choose the Accounts item. The Add Account command is found on the right side of the screen, near the bottom of the account list.

  3. Select the type of e-mail account you want to add.

    If you see the account type listed, such as AOL or Yahoo!, choose it. Otherwise, choose the Email option. If the IMAP or POP3 options are available, choose IMAP for web-based e-mail (such as Yahoo! or Windows Live) and POP3 for an ISP e-mail account. The Corporate option is available for organizations with an Exchange Server.

  4. Continue working through the e-mail setup.

    Start with Step 2, where you type your user account name and password.

You can repeat these steps to add more e-mail accounts. E-mail from the accounts you configure is accessed by using the Email app.

  • Be on the lookout for e-mail–specific apps, although not every tablet has them. If you find such an app that’s specific to your e-mail service, be sure to use it.

  • Get the necessary information from your organization’s friendly IT people if you decide to add a corporate e-mail account.

  • For some corporate accounts, you may be prompted to activate the device administrator. That feature gives your corporate IT overlords remote access to your Android tablet to control e-mail. If you’re shackled to corporate e-mail, you’ve probably already agreed to such a thing when you signed up to be an employee. Otherwise, keep in mind that you can always get your corporate e-mail at work.

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