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iPad 2 comes with Photo Booth — a new photo manipulation application — installed. Photo Booth goes hand in hand with the still camera built into the iPad 2 hardware. The app allows you to choose interesting effects, such as Kaleidoscope and X-Ray, to apply to the photos you take. You can then copy or e-mail photos from within Photo Booth.

Photos you take with Photo Booth open automatically and are saved to your Photos app Camera Roll.

Here's how to take photos using Photo Booth effects:

  1. Tap the Photo Booth icon on the Home screen.


    The different possible effects that can be used in the current view of the camera appear.

  2. Tap an effect and then tap the Capture button.


    An image using that effect is captured. To return to the various effects, tap the Effects button in the bottom-left corner of the screen. The image appears along with a filmstrip of all images you've captured using Photo Booth.

  3. Tap the Home button.

    You return to the Home screen, and your photos are now available in the Camera Roll folder of the Photos app.

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