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When it’s time to remove (delete) a name or two from Contacts on iPad, it’s easy to do. iPad helps you manage contact info such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and so on. Still, not all contacts prove useful over time. So you should regularly browse through your contacts and removed the ones you do not use.

Doing so helps reduce the amount of space the Contacts list takes up, giving you more room on your iPad for other data. In addition, if you fill Contacts with only the people or businesses you regularly call, e-mail, or visit, you'll reduce the listing and make it easier to find each contact when needed.

With Contacts open, tap the contact you want to delete.

The contact’s information appears on the right.

Tap the Edit button at the bottom of the page.

An Info page is displayed.

Drag your finger upward to scroll down and then tap the Delete Contact button.

Drag your finger upward to scroll down and then tap the Delete Contact button.

A confirming dialog appears.

Tap the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

Tap the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

The contact is deleted.

During this process, if you change your mind before you tap Delete, tap the Cancel button. But be careful: After you tap Delete, there’s no going back!

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