
How to Create Rounding and Comparison TensorFlow Operations

2018-06-19 2:54:38
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TensorFlow For Dummies
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Most of the mathematical routines accept floating-point values as input and return floating-point values as output. But many applications need to convert floating-point values into integer values. For this reason, TensorFlow provides the rounding operations listed in the following table.

Rounding and Comparison Operations

Function Description
round(x, name=None) Rounds to the nearest integer, rounding up if there are two nearest integers
rint(x, name=None) Rounds to the nearest integer, rounding to the nearest even integer if there are two nearest integers
ceil(x, name=None) Returns the smallest integer greater than the value
floor(x, name=None) Returns the greatest integer less than the value
maximum(x, y, name=None) Returns a tensor containing the larger element of each input tensor
minimum(x, y, name=None) Returns a tensor containing the smaller element of each input tensor
argmax(x, axis=None, name=None, dimension=None) Returns the index of the greatest element in the tensor
argmin(x, axis=None, name=None, dimension=None) Returns the index of the smallest element in the tensor
The table also lists functions that perform comparisons. These functions return maximum and minimum values, both within a tensor and across two tensors.

The round function examines each element of a tensor and returns the closest integer. If two closest integers are equally close, it returns the one further from zero. rint is similar, but rounds to the nearest even value. The following code demonstrates how you can use round, rint, ceil, and floor:

t = tf.constant([-6.5, -3.5, 3.5, 6.5])

r1 = tf.round(t) # [-6. -4. 4. 6.]

r2 = tf.rint(t) # [-6. -4. 4. 6.]

r3 = tf.ceil(t) # [-6. -3. 4. 7.]

r4 = tf.floor(t) # [-7. -4. 3. 6.]

The next two functions in the table, maximum and minimum, are easy to understand. maximum returns a tensor containing the larger element of each input tensor, and minimum returns a tensor containing the smaller element of each input tensor.

argmax and argmin return the index values of the largest and smallest elements of a tensor. The following code shows how you can use these functions:

t1 = tf.constant([0, -2, 4, 6])

t2 = tf.constant([[1, 3], [7, 2]])

r1 = tf.argmin(t1) # 1

r2 = tf.argmax(t2) # [ 1 0 ]

If a tensor has multiple maximum/minimum values, argmax and argmin will return the index values of the first occurring element.

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About the book author:

Matthew Scarpino has been a programmer and engineer for more than 20 years. He has worked extensively with machine learning applications, especially those involving financial analysis, cognitive modeling, and image recognition. Matthew is a Google Certified Data Engineer and blogs about TensorFlow at tfblog.com.