
The Basics of Tree Structures Used in Algorithms

2017-07-17 17:06:11
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Data Science Essentials For Dummies
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A tree structure looks much like the physical object in the natural world. Using trees helps you organize data quickly and find it in a shorter time than using other data-storage techniques. You commonly find trees used for search and sort routines, but they have many other purposes as well.

Building a tree works much like building a tree in the physical world. Each item you add to the tree is a node. Nodes connect to each other using links. The combination of nodes and links forms a structure that looks much like a tree, as shown here.

algorithms-trees A tree in Python looks much like the physical alternative.

Note that the tree has just one root node— just as with a physical tree. The root node provides the starting point for the various kinds of processing you perform. Connected to the root node are either branches or leaves. A leaf node is always an ending point for the tree. Branch nodes support either other branches or leaves. The type of tree shown is a binary tree because each node has, at most, two connections.

In looking at the tree, Branch B is the child of the Root node. That’s because the Root node appears first in the list. Leaf E and Leaf F are both children of Branch B, making Branch B the parent of Leaf E and Leaf F. The relationship between nodes is important because discussions about trees often consider the child/parent relationship between nodes. Without these terms, discussions of trees could become quite confusing.

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About the book author:

John Paul Mueller is a freelance author and technical editor. He has writing in his blood, having produced 100 books and more than 600 articles to date. The topics range from networking to home security and from database management to heads-down programming. John has provided technical services to both Data Based Advisor and Coast Compute magazines.

Luca Massaron is a data scientist specialized in organizing and interpreting big data and transforming it into smart data by means of the simplest and most effective data mining and machine learning techniques. Because of his job as a quantitative marketing consultant and marketing researcher, he has been involved in quantitative data since 2000 with different clients and in various industries, and is one of the top 10 Kaggle data scientists.