The following list offers a brief overview (listed as either a default package or an optional package).
Utility/Package | What It Does |
Default Packages | |
conman | Provides connectivity with other remote consoles. See for additional information. |
mgetty | Allows connectivity with modems. See for additional information. |
mkbootdisk | Creates a boot disk for starting the system. See for additional information. |
net-snmp-libs | Contains the libraries used for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)-related tasks. |
nmap | Performs detailed network mapping tasks. See for additional information. |
ntp | Synchronizes the clocks of the systems within a given network with a master time source (ultimately allowing synchronization with an Internet source, such as See for additional information. |
openldap-clients | Contains the libraries used for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)-related tasks. |
quota | Manages disk quotas for both users and groups. See for additional information. |
rng-tools (includes: rngd and rngtest) | Performs testing and configuration of the random number-generation capabilities of a system. Because a virtual machine can't access the underlying hardware, this set of utilities isn't useful when working with AWS. |
screen | Allows use of multiple shell windows when working with SSH. See for additional information. |
xdelta | Performs delta compression on C libraries to make them smaller. See for additional information. |
zisofs-tools (includes: mkzftree) | Contains the tools needed to work with compressed disks. See for additional information. |
zsh | Provides access to a shell used for interactive and scripted command-line tasks. See for additional information. |
Optional Packages | |
adjtimex | Displays and sets the Linux kernel time variables. See for additional information. |
amanda-client | Contains the tools required to implement the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (AMANDA). These tools are designed for use with Windows, so they won't work with your free-tier Linux installation. See for additional information. |
arptables_jf | Contains the tools required to work with the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). See for additional information. |
arpwatch | Tracks Ethernet and IP address pairings. See for additional information. |
audit (includes: augenrules, aureport, ausearch, and autrace) | Contains the tools required to perform audits of processes. See and for additional information. |
avahi-tools | Contains the tools used to implement the Avahi zero-configuration networking system. See for additional information. |
createrepo | Provides the means for working with RPM-metadata (repodata). See for additional information. |
gnutls-utils (includes: certtool, gnutls-cli, gnutls-cli-debug, gnutls-serv, and psktool) | Contains utilities for working with the GNU Transport Layer Security (TLS) features of AWS. See for additional information. |
iptraf | Performs IP monitoring tasks. See for additional information. |
ktune | Performs kernel-tuning tasks. Because a virtual machine can't access the underlying operating system, this utility isn't useful when working with AWS. |
lslk | Lists local locks on files. This utility is outdated. See for additional information. |
lsscsi | Obtains information about Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) drives attached to the local system. Because a virtual machine can't access the underlying hardware, this utility isn't useful when working with AWS. See for additional information. |
mc | Provides the means to manage files on disk using the Midnight Commander utility. See for additional information. |
mrtg | Tracks the activities of any routers attached to the system using the Mult-Router Traffic Grabber. See for additional information. |
net-snmp-utils (includes: encode_keychange, snmpbulkget, snmpbulkwalk, snmpdelta, snmpdf, snmpget, snmpgetnext, snmpinform, snmpnetstat, snmpset, snmpstatus, snmptable, snmptest, snmptranslate, snmptrap, snmpusm, snmpvacm, and snmpwalk) | Contains a number of tools for performing SNMP-related tasks. See for additional information. |
pinentry | Displays dialog boxes used to enter Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and other security information. See for additional details. |
uuidd | Generates Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) to ensure that apps and other system processes can recognize unique instances of any object. See for additional information. |
vlock | Locks a virtual console, enabling you to save your current session. See for additional information. |
watchdog | Performs tests to ensure that the system hasn't frozen because of an errant process. See for additional information. |
Linux offers a wealth of other group packages not found in this chapter that you might find helpful. For example, you might find that you need the tau-epsilon-chi (TeX) editor support provided by Linux, which means installing the TeX Support group package. (TeX is a typesetting system originally created by Donald Knuth.)