You can find a lot of detail on an eBay listing if you take the time scroll farther down. When you do, you see three tabs that take you to the details of the eBay listing.

eBay item Description tab
When you click the Description tab, you see the most important part of the eBay listing. Read all the information about the item carefully before buying or bidding.
Look at the Description tab for more photos of the item. The folks at eBay would like you to believe that you can see all the photos you need in the photo box at the top of the page; it gets such prominent placement because they charge the seller $.15 per picture! Savvy, experienced sellers (the pros!) insert photos into their descriptions.

eBay's Shipping and payments tab
When you click the Shipping and Payments tab, you see the details on shipping:

Whether the seller is charging a flat shipping fee or is offering more than one shipping option through a shipping calculator.
A drop-down menu for selecting a country if you’re having the item shipped to another country. Changing the country also changes the rate displayed.
Who pays for the shipping (usually the buyer).
Whether insurance is offered.
Which states have to pay sales tax (if any) and the sales tax rate.
Whether the seller is willing to ship to your area. (Sometimes sellers won’t ship internationally, and they’ll let you know that here.)
The terms of the seller’s Return Policy, such as whether buyers have to pay for return shipping.
Payment methods that the seller accepts, for example, credit cards or PayPal. Often, this section tells you to read the item description for more details. Also, for security’s sake, it’s against eBay policy for sellers to say that they take money orders or checks. If you want to pay in either manner, click the Ask a Question link in the Seller Info area to e-mail the seller with your request. Many sellers still welcome good old money orders.
eBay Related items and services tab
Click the Related Items and Services tab to see where eBay (to the consternation of many sellers) puts links to similar (and competing) items that you may be interested in.