Your eBay About Me page is an important part of your eBay presence. You can prepare several elements for your About Me page even before you start the page-building process.
Think about how to present yourself on your About Me page through the use of the following elements:
Title: Come up with a title for your page. It should be as simple as a welcome or greeting.
Subtitle: Your subtitle consists of a few words below your page title that elaborate on your page theme.
Introductory paragraph: This paragraph can tell a little about you and your hobbies or interests. You can also talk about the items you sell on eBay, but most of all, it should reflect your personality.
Second subtitle and paragraph: Here you can elaborate on your interests and business on eBay. Add more information. Pictures are good, too!
eBay activity: Decide what you’d like to show on the page — how many of your most recent feedback comments to display, and whether you’d like to show your current listings on the page. Don’t get carried away by showing your last 100 feedback messages; doing so takes up too much space. Display either 10 or 25 and leave it at that. If visitors want to know more about your feedback rating, they can click your feedback number.
Links: Formerly, you could link to your own e-commerce Web site from your About Me page. Not anymore. There are strict policies governing the use of links these days; you are not allowed to link to any site that offers to trade, sell, or purchase goods or services outside of eBay.
If you’ve been an advanced user on eBay for a while, you may want a more elaborate page. Consider adding the following elements to your existing page:

Your logo: If you’ve designed a logo for your eBay business, be sure to put it on the page.
Returns policy: Outline your standard returns policy for your customers.
Shipping policy: Explain how you ship and when you ship. Offer discounts on shipping for multiple purchases through your eBay store.
Searchable index to your eBay store: Let your customers search your store by apparel size, brand name, or item. You can accomplish this with HTML coding.
Payment methods: Let your customers know what payment methods you accept.
Before you move on to actually create your About Me page, look at what other users have done. eBay members often include pictures, links to other Web sites (including their personal or photo pages), and links to just about any Web location that reflects their personalities.
Extra links and photos are great, but if your purpose is to generate more business, keep your About Me page focused on your auction listings, with a link to your personal, non e-commerce Web site.