Feedback comments are a valuable tool when deciding whether to do business with an eBay seller. If a seller has several negative feedback comments, you may not want to do business with him.
To read an eBay seller’s feedback comments, go to the seller’s Feedback Profile by clicking the feedback number (beside the seller’s user ID in the Seller Info box) when you visit an auction/item page. Below the Recent Feedback Ratings, Detailed Seller Ratings, and Member Quick Links are tabs that you click to see (and read) the actual feedback comments. By default, you see the All Feedback tab selected. You may use the other tabs to sort the comments for review:
Feedback as a Seller: These comments are from people who bought something from this seller.
Feedback as a Buyer: When you buy and play by the rules, you get some positive feedback that shows up here.
All Feedback: A conglomeration of all feedback left for the particular member, regardless of whether that person was a buyer or a seller in a transaction. You can tell which party left the feedback because the words Seller or Buyer appear on the right of each comment.
Feedback Left for Others: Checking the type of feedback that a seller leaves about others can give you an insight into his personality.
Click the Feedback As a Seller tab and begin perusing the feedback entries for the seller you’re investigating. By scrolling down the feedback history page, you’ll be able to read the actual reviews left by other eBay members. On the Feedback as a Seller tab, you see each member’s user ID, along with his rating and comments. You also see the date when feedback was left, along with the transaction number. If the transaction is 90 days old or fewer, you can click the View Item link to see the transaction.

When buying from a seller who sells the same item repeatedly, use the clickable View Item links to past transactions to see whether other buyers of the same item were pleased with their purchases.