Many people feel more comfortable keeping their receipts and filing them in real manila folders. If that describes you, you can print copies of your eBay purchase records to help keep your transactions straight.
The item page shows the amount of your winning eBay bid, the item’s description, and other relevant information. The second you find out you’ve won the item, look for the Print link at the bottom of the Seller Info box.
Click the Print link to bring up a page for printing. It resembles an item page, but when you scroll, notice the description is missing. At the top of the page is a bar with a couple of links. Click Seller’s Description, and you will get a page that has only the description — so you can print that, too.

eBay displays completed listings in search results for only 30 days, so don’t put off printing out that final item page for your records. If you save your End of Sale e-mails that you get from eBay, you can access the listing for up to 90 days by using the link in the e-mail.
Many sellers have multiple listings going at the same time, so the more organized you are, the more likely you will receive the correct item from the seller. Here’s a list of the documentation you might feel more comfortable printing for safekeeping in your Item Purchases file:
A copy of your winning e-mail from eBay. Don’t delete the e-mail — at least not until you print a copy and keep it for your records. You may need to refer to the e-mail later, and there’s no way to get another copy.
Printed copies of any e-mail correspondence between you and the seller that details specific information about the item or special payment and shipping arrangements.
A printed copy of the final auction page.