If you’re new to selling on eBay or you don’t sell many items on eBay, you may want to try shipping your sold item directly from PayPayl. By using PayPal, a seller can streamline the buyer’s shopping experience, making it simple to buy, click, and pay.
Those out in the eBay world who haven’t used PayPal before find the service to be a life-changing experience. Because you don’t need to use additional software or sign up with an additional service, shipping with PayPal is a convenient system for those who don’t have to ship many packages each week.
When you’re ready to deal with shipping, you simply sign on to your PayPal account and handle it right on the site. You can also click the Print Shipping Label link from the item’s page to start the process. There’s no charge for the service, and you have a choice of U.S. Postal Service or UPS (sorry, no FedEx Ground).

As of this writing, PayPal will not print postage for First Class Mail International; it prints postage only for the far more expensive Priority or Express. If you plan on doing business overseas, be competitive with your shipping costs. Your consideration will bring you more business from savvy international buyers.