
How to Run a Bidder Search on eBay

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|  Updated:  
2016-03-26 22:10:27
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By performing a bidder search on eBay, you can find out information on bidders who’ve beaten you in recent auctions. You can run a bidder search by following these steps:

  1. Click the Advanced Search link, which you can find next to the Search box that appears on almost every eBay page.

  2. In the Search links area on the left, click the Items by Bidder link.

  3. Enter the user ID of the bidder you want to check out.

  4. To check the bidder’s previous auction wins, select the Completed Listings Only box.

    Running a bidder search to uncover bidding patterns.
    Running a bidder search to uncover bidding patterns.

    By studying bidding history, you can see how high the bidder is willing to bid on certain items. This is invaluable information if you want to get a drift of how high you have to bid to win the next auction.

  5. Tell eBay whether you also want to see the person’s bid even if he or she is not the high bidder.

    Selecting the Even If Not the High Bidder option means that you want to see the bidder’s activity in every auction, even if the person is not the current high bidder. You should probably check all the bidder’s auctions to see how aggressively he or she bids on items. You can also see how badly a bidder wants specific items.

    If the bidder was bidding on an item in the past that you’re both interested in now, you can get a fairly good idea of how high that person is willing to go for the item this time.

  6. Choose the number of items you want to see per page.

  7. 7.Click the Search button.

    Bidder Search results for a bidder — note that the Nintendo Wii Fit auction hasn't ended yet.
    Bidder Search results for a bidder — note that the Nintendo Wii Fit auction hasn't ended yet.

The search results appear based on the options and criteria that you supplied.

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