You can refine an advanced search on eBay by using more of the options offered in the Advanced Search area. Don’t be intimidated; you need to understand just a few more bells and whistles.
Here are some of the additional options you’ll find in the Advanced Search: Find Items area:
- Words: You can choose to search
- All words, any order
- Any words, any order
- Exact words, exact order
- Exact words, any order
- Exclude words from your search: If you’re looking for some silver flatware, for instance, and you want it to be solid, not plated, you could type plated. That search would exclude any item listings that contain the word plated.
- Price: Here’s where you can narrow your search to a specific price range. It’s not a good idea to use this option because you never know what you might miss.
- Buying formats: Since eBay has three main buying formats, you can search them individually:
- Auctions: If you love the thrill of bidding, you can limit your search to auctions only. (But why? There may be a better deal in Buy It Now.)
- Buy It Now: This option comes in handy when you simply must purchase something immediately. This would work well for the pair of tickets you’ve found to The Producers or when you’re about to run out of your favorite moisturizer and don’t have time to make it to the store within the next week to pick some up.
- Classified Ads: In some categories, such as Real Estate, sellers put up classified ads that prompt you to contact the seller to find out more or complete the transaction.
- Location: You can elect to see your results from all items on eBay or you can search by country.
- On Search eBay, no matter which country. Other options are US Only, Worldwide, or North America.
- Available To: Select a country from the drop-down list, and the search engine looks for items from sellers willing to ship to that country.
- Located In: Use the drop-down box to find items from the country you specified.
- Only Show Items from Specific Sellers: If you want to locate an item being sold by up to ten sellers, you can type their User IDs here, separating each User ID from the others by a comma or a space. If you want to find items excluding certain sellers, click the drop-down list and list the offending sellers in the text box.