Answer all e-mail questions from prospective bidders and buyers within 24 hours, and check your eBay Messages frequently before the close of your auctions: Good customer service goes a long way in promoting and building your eBay business.
When listing a new item for sale, research your item and be sure that you know its current value and the going price on eBay.
Before listing, weigh your item and estimate the shipping cost. Be sure to list shipping (and handling) costs in your ad whether you use a flat rate or the shipping calculator.
In the case of an auction, see how many other sellers are selling your item; try not to have yours close within a few hours of theirs.
To encourage auction bidding, set the lowest possible starting bid for your item.
Check the eBay guidelines to be sure that your item is permitted and that your listing doesn't violate any listing policies.
Tips for eBay Sellers
2018-01-26 03:16:51
From The Book:
To easily sell your merchandise on your eBay business and for the most amount of money possible, use these successful selling tips for your eBay items: