Editing an Etsy listing is pretty simple. Maybe you made a mistake when creating your Etsy listing and need to change it. Or maybe a potential buyer asked a question about the item you have for sale, and you want to update the item's listing to reflect your answer. Or you may want to add or change a listing photo.
Fortunately, regardless of why you need to change a listing, editing Etsy listings is a breeze (and free). You can edit any part of your item listing — the item title, item description, price, images, tags, materials, shipping information, you name it. To edit a listing, log in to your Etsy account and follow these steps:
Click the Shop icon in your Etsy header bar.

Your Etsy shop opens.
Click the listing that you want to edit in your Etsy shop.

The listing opens.
Click the Edit link in the Listing Tools toolbar along the top of the listing.

The Edit Listing page opens. This page is nearly identical to the List an Item page.
Edit the listing.
Here you simply use same techniques you employed to create your listing.
Click the Preview Listing button.
This is your chance to make sure you didn’t enter any errors into your listing.
Click the Publish button.
Your listing is updated.