Used judiciously, you can add enormous value to your blog posts by using links. The blog links can inform readers, link to more detail, point out a great news article, or send them to another page on your own blog or Web site.
In HTML, links are defined with
The tag (the a stands for anchor). This special tag gets what’s called an attribute and a value to go along with the basic tag.
The attribute is href, and it indicates to the browser that what comes next is a hypertext reference — in this case, a Web page.
The value is the actual Web page that’s being linked to, enclosed in quotation marks.
Here’s how all that looks in action:
This link goes to <a href="">Google</a>.
When the preceding line is posted in a blog, the word Google is a clickable link that leads to the Google Web site.
Make sure that you use the full URL when you create a link. That means you need to include the http://. Unless you include that prefix, the browser won’t understand that it needs to find another Web site, but it will instead look for a document on your Web site called
Also note that when you turn off the tag, you need to turn off only the main tag, not the attribute or value. They’re turned off automatically simply by using the closing tag.
You can also use this tag around an image to make the image clickable to a Web page. Simply place the tag around your image code, like so:
<a href=""><img src="googlelogo.gif"></a>