A jQuery interaction is a widget that enables page visitors to use a mouse (or trackpad or touchscreen) to control, modify, or in some other way mess with a web page element. For example, on this Web Design Playground site, one of the jQuery UI interactions is used to enable coders to use a mouse to resize the width and height of the editors and other windows.
Applying a jQuery interaction
Before you look at the available interactions, take a look at the general syntax you use to apply one to an element:$(<em>selector</em>).<em>interaction</em>(<em>options</em>|<em>events</em>);
: A jQuery selector that specifies the web page element you want to work with.
: A string that specifies the name of the jQuery UI interaction you want to apply to the element.
|events: An object literal that includes one or more property-value pairs that specify the interaction options you want to use, and one or more interaction events you want to handle. Both the available options and the available events vary depending on the interaction.
For example, the following statement applies jQuery UI’s resizable
widget with two options that specify the element’s minimum width and minimum height, as well as a handler for the widget’s resize
event, which fires when the element gets resized:
$('#my-div').resizable( { minWidth: 40, minHeight: 50, resize: function(event, ui) { console.log(ui.size.width); } } );In the
handler, the event argument refers to the event itself, whereas the ui
argument refers to user interface object that the page visitor is interacting with. Most of the interaction widgets offer both start
and stop
events, which fire when the interaction begins and ends, respectively.
Trying out jQuery interactions
Here's a quick look at the available interactions offered by jQuery UI:draggable
: Enables the user to move an element using a mouse. You can constrain the dragging to a particular direction by setting theaxis
property to eitherx
(horizontal dragging only) ory
(vertical dragging only). You can also set the transparency of the element while it's being dragged by setting theopacity
property to a number between0
(invisible) and1
(fully visible). To run code while the element is dragged, create a handler for thedrag
$('#my-div').draggable( { axis: 'x', opacity: .5, drag: function(event, ui) { console.log(ui.position.left); } } );
: Sets up an element as the target of a drag-and-drop operation. That is, if you apply thedraggable
widget to element A and thedroppable
widget to element B, the user can drag element A and drop it on element B. You can specify how much of the draggable element must overlap the droppable element before it is considered “dropped” by using thetolerance
property set to one of the following:fit
(complete overlap is required; this is the default);intersect
(50 percent overlap required);pointer
(the mouse pointer must be inside the droppable; ortouch
(any overlap will do). To run code when the element is dropped, create a handler for thedrop
$('#my-div').droppable( { tolerance: 'intersect', drop: function(event, ui) { console.log('Dropped it!'); } } );
: Enables the user to resize an element using a mouse. You can specify which directions the user can resize the element by adding thehandles
property, which is a comma-separated string consisting of one or more of the following directions:n
, andall
. You can set limits on the element's dimensions (in pixels) by using themaxHeight
, andminWidth
properties. To run code while the element is resized, create a handler for theresize
$('#my-div').resizable( { handles: 'e, se, s', minWidth: 50, minHeight: 25, resize: function(event, ui) { console.log(ui.size.width + ' ' ui.size.height); } } );
: Enables the user to select elements using a mouse. The user can either “lasso” the elements by using the mouse to drag a box around them, or the user can hold down either Ctrl (Windows) or ⌘ (Mac) and then click each element. You can specify how much of the lasso must overlap an element before it is considered “selected” by using thetolerance
property set to either of the following:fit
(complete overlap is required; this is the default), ortouch
(any overlap will do). To run code after each element is selected, create a handler for theselecting
$('#my-div').selectable( { tolerance: 'touch', selecting: function(event, ui) { console.log(ui.selecting.innerText); } } );
: Enables the user to change the order of elements using a mouse. You can constrain the sort movement to a particular direction by setting theaxis
property to eitherx
(horizontal sorting only) ory
(vertical sorting only). You can also set the transparency of the element while it's being sorted by setting theopacity
property to a number between0
(invisible) and1
(fully visible). To run code while an element is being sorted, create a handler for thesort
$('#my-div').sortable( { axis: 'y', opacity: .5, sort: function(event, ui) { console.log(ui.item[0].innerText); } } );