
How to Use Abstract Methods in Java

2017-05-08 20:34:23
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Java Essentials For Dummies
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Both interfaces and abstract classes have abstract methods in Java. But the abstract methods play slightly different roles in these two kinds of reference types. How can you keep it all straight in your mind?

The first thing to do is to remember that no one learns about object-oriented programming concepts without getting lots of practice in writing code. If you've r you're confused, that may be a good thing. It means you've understood enough to know how complicated this stuff is. The more code you write, the more comfortable you'll become with classes, interfaces, and all these other ideas.

The next thing to do is to sort out the differences in the way you declare abstract methods. Here’s the story.

Using (or Not Using) Abstract Methods
In an Ordinary (Non-Abstract) Class In an Interface In an Abstract Class
Are abstract methods allowed? No Yes Yes
Can a method declaration contain the abstract keyword? No Yes Yes
Can a method declaration contain the default keyword (meaning "not abstract")? No Yes No
With neither the abstract nor the default Not abstract Abstract Not abstract
Both interfaces and abstract classes have abstract methods. So you may be wondering how you should choose between declaring an interface and declaring an abstract class. In fact, you might ask three professional programmers how interfaces and abstract classes differ from one another. If you do, you may get five different answers. (Yes, five answers; not three answers.)

Interfaces and abstract classes are similar beasts, and the new features in Java 8 made them even more similar than in previous Java versions. But the basic idea is about the relationships among things.

  • Extending a subclass represents an is a relationship.
  • Implementing an interface represents a can do relationship.
If you want more tangible evidence of the difference between an interface and an abstract class, consider this: A class can implement many interfaces, but a class can extend only one other class, even if that one class is an abstract class. So, after you've declared

public class Dog extends HousePet

you can't also make Dog extend a Friend class. But you can make Dog implement a Befriendable interface. And then you can make the same Dog class implement a Trainable interface.

And, if you want an even more tangible difference between an interface and an abstract class, here’s one for you: An interface can't contain any non-static, non-final fields.

So there. Interfaces and abstract classes are different from one another. But if you're new at the game, you shouldn't worry about the difference. Just read as much code as you can, and don't get scared when you see an abstract method. That's all there is to it.

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