You can convert CSS property names to JavaScript. However, there are a few things you should remember if you plan on doing this. When changing styles with JavaScript, there are a couple simple rules:
If the CSS property is one word (such as height), it remains as it is.
If the CSS property is more than one word, separated by dashes, it gets converted to camelCase.
Here is a complete reference of the property name conversions from CSS to JavaScript.
CSS Property | JavaScript Reference |
background | background |
background-attachment | backgroundAttachment |
background-color | backgroundColor |
background-image | backgroundImage |
background-position | backgroundPosition |
background-repeat | backgroundRepeat |
border | border |
border-bottom | borderBottom |
border-bottom-color | borderBottomColor |
border-bottom-style | borderBottomStyle |
border-bottom-width | borderBottomWidth |
border-color | borderColor |
border-left | borderLeft |
border-left-color | borderLeftColor |
border-left-style | borderLeftStyle |
border-left-width | borderLeftWidth |
border-right | borderRight |
border-right-color | borderRightColor |
border-right-style | borderRightStyle |
border-right-width | borderRightWidth |
border-style | borderStyle |
border-top | borderTop |
border-top-color | borderTopColor |
border-top-style | borderTopStyle |
border-top-width | borderTopWidth |
border-width | borderWidth |
clear | clear |
clip | clip |
color | color |
cursor | cursor |
display | display |
filter | filter |
float | cssFloat |
font | font |
font-family | fontFamily |
font-size | fontSize |
font-variant | fontVariant |
font-weight | fontWeight |
height | height |
left | left |
letter-spacing | letterSpacing |
line-height | lineHeight |
list-style | listStyle |
list-style-image | listStyleImage |
list-style-position | listStylePosition |
list-style-type | listStyleType |
margin | margin |
margin-bottom | marginBottom |
margin-left | marginLeft |
margin-right | marginRight |
margin-top | marginTop |
overflow | overflow |
padding | padding |
padding-bottom | paddingBottom |
padding-left | paddingLeft |
padding-right | paddingRight |
padding-top | paddingTop |
page-break-after | pageBreakAfter |
page-break-before | pageBreakBefore |
position | position |
text-align | textAlign |
text-decoration | textDecoration |
text-decoration: blink | textDecorationBlink |
text-decoration: line-through | textDecorationLineThrough |
text-decoration: none | textDecorationNone |
text-decoration: overline | textDecorationOverline |
text-decoration: underline | textDecorationUnderline |
text-indent | textIndent |
text-transform | textTransform |
top | top |
vertical-align | verticalAlign |
visibility | visibility |
width | width |
z-index | zIndex |