Selecting multiple photos
To choose more than one photo to add to a post, do the following:- In the main Instagram feed screen, tap the + icon.
- Tap Library, in the lower-left corner of the screen.The most recent photo in your Camera Roll (or Gallery) appears in the viewer.
- Swipe in the thumbnail photos, and then tap the first photo you want to add.
- Tap the select multiple icon.The selected thumbnail appears dimmed, with a blue number 1.
The select multiple icon in the viewer is blue and the other viewer icons have disappeared.
- Tap another thumbnail.The photo appears in the viewer, and a number 2 appears next to the thumbnail. That number shows you the order in which your followers will see the photos in your post.
If you select a photo but then decide that you don’t want to include it, just tap the thumbnail photo. The order of your photos will change if you selected more than two photos. To deselect all photos, tap the blue select multiple icon in the lower-right corner of the viewer.
- Continue tapping thumbnails as needed.Here, three photos are chosen. The numbers reflect the order in which the photos were selected.
The most recently selected photo appears in the viewer.
- When you have finished selecting photos, tap Next.The Edit screen appears.
To reorder the photos, you have to deselect them and then reselect them in the correct order. (Yes, this is something Instagram needs to work on.) For example, suppose you select five photos and want to move photos 3 and 4 to positions 4 and 5, respectively. First deselect photos 3 and 4. At this point, the former photo 5 becomes photo 3. Then select the former photo 3, which becomes photo 4, and then select the former photo 4, which becomes photo 5.
Applying filters and adding photos
After you have selected your photos and tapped Next, the Edit screen appears. The top of the screen displays the photo you’re editing.
A row of filter types appears below the photo. Swipe from right to left in the row to view all the filters. To apply a filter to all photos in the group, tap the thumbnail image under the filter name.
At the right side of the screen, you see part of the next photo in your photo group. To see the other photos, swipe left. To add another photo to your post, swipe to the end of the row, tap the + icon, and then select the photo from the Camera Roll screen.
Editing photos individually
To edit a photo, tap it in the row of photos. The selected photo appears in the center of your screen. Now you can do the following:- Add a filter: Swipe right to left in the filter row, and then tap the filter thumbnail image.
- Change the exposure and brightness levels at once: Tap the Lux icon (half-light, half-dark sun) at the top of the screen.
- Perform other editing tasks: Tap Edit to access the editing tools.
Adding information and sharing your photos
When your photos are the way you want them, tap Next in the upper-right corner of the Edit screen.In the New Post screen, you can write a caption, tag people, add a location, share your photo on other social networks, and turn commenting on and off.
You can't write a caption for each photo when you have multiple photos in your post. So when you write your description, the caption should describe all your photos, not just one.
When you've finished editing your photos, it's time to share them. Tap Share in the upper-right corner of the New Post screen.