
How to Upload Multiple Videos to Instagram from an iPhone or iPad

2018-02-08 13:50:37
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If you’ve already taken videos with your iPhone or iPad and saved them to your Camera Roll, you can upload them to a single Instagram video and share it with your followers. Sorry, Android users; this feature isn’t available on Android smartphones yet.

Follow these steps to upload multiple clips into one Instagram video:

  1. Tap the + icon in the Instagram feed screen.
  2. If the Library screen isn't displayed, tap Library.
  3. Select the first video you want to upload by tapping its thumbnail image in the Camera Roll screen. Then tap Next.

    The Filter screen appears.

  4. Tap Trim, at the bottom of the screen.

    The Trim screen appears, and your selected video plays in the viewer.

    video thumbnail Instagram The + icon appears to the right of the video thumbnail image.
  5. Tap the + icon, and then tap the thumbnail for the video that you want to add to the first video.

    The selected video now sports a 2, which tells you that this is the second clip that will appear in the video. This second clip plays continuously in the viewer; to stop playing, tap anywhere in the viewer.
  6. Repeat Step 5 until you’ve added all the video clips you want.

    As you add each clip, Instagram assigns it a number indicating its order in the video.
  7. Tap Done.

    The Trim screen appears, with thumbnails of your video clip in the order in which they will appear in the video. You can add more clips at this point, if you want. (Tap the + icon, tap the clip's thumbnail, and then tap Done.)

    The viewer displays all the clips playing continuously so you can see how they will appear to your followers. To stop video playback, tap anywhere in the viewer.

    If you add a clip that puts your video over the 60-second limit, Instagram will automatically trim the last clip so that your entire video lasts for exactly 60 seconds.

  8. (Optional) To remove a clip from your video:
    1. Tap and hold down on the clip's thumbnail. The viewer is replaced by an X inside a box.
    2. Drag the thumbnail to the X.
  9. (Optional) Apply a filter or change the cover or both.
  10. Tap Next.

    The New Post (Followers) screen appears.

  11. (Optional) Type a caption, add a location, share your photo on other social networks, and turn commenting on or off.

When you upload a video with multiple clips, you can’t change the orientation of the clips to landscape or portrait. Each clip appears in its original orientation, so keep that in mind when you want to create a video with multiple clips.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

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About the book author:

Eric Butow provides website design, online marketing, and technical documentation services to businesses.

Jenn Herman, a social media consultant and world-renowned Instagram expert, pens a top-rated social media blog, jennstrends.com.

Corey Walker offers social media strategy, content, ad management, and analytics focused on Instagram and Facebook.

Eric Butow provides website design, online marketing, and technical documentation services to businesses.