Once you've created your contacts file, it's time to import your LinkedIn contacts into your e-mail program. Although this example uses Microsoft Outlook, the procedure is similar with other e-mail clients. After you create your LinkedIn export file and are ready to export your LinkedIn contacts to Microsoft Outlook, just follow these steps:
On the main Outlook screen, choose File->Import and Export.
The Import and Export window appears.
Select the Import from Another Program or File option and then click Next.
When Outlook asks you to select a file type to import from, select the Comma Separated Values (Windows) option and then click Next.
When Outlook asks you for the file to import, enter the path and filename of your exported file, or click the Browse button to find the file on your computer. Be sure to select the Do Not Import Duplicate Items option and then click Next.
If you don't select the Do Not Import Duplicate Items option, you risk flooding your Outlook account with multiple e-mail addresses and names for the same people, which will make your life more difficult and flood your connections with unnecessary e-mail messages.
When Outlook asks you to select a destination folder, click the contacts folder and then click Next.
Verify that you're importing your contacts file into Outlook and then click Finish to start the process.