
How to Search Your First-Degree Connections on LinkedIn

2018-06-19 17:54:26
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LinkedIn Sales Navigator For Dummies
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There’s an old saying: “You have to know where you have come from to know where you are going.” This holds true even for LinkedIn. Before you start searching throughout the network, it’s helpful to understand the reach of your own immediate network and how your first-degree connections’ networks add up. The first task is to become familiar with your own LinkedIn network.

To view and search through your own LinkedIn network, just follow these steps:

  1. Log in to LinkedIn. From the top navigation bar, click the My Network button. Your My Network page appears.
  2. Along the left side, below your number of connections, click the See All link. A list of your current connections on the Connections page appears.

    Sort LinkedIn connections Sort your connections by last name.
  3. Scroll through the list or click the drop-down arrow next to the Sort By menu and then click the Last Name option to sort the list of connections in alphabetical order.
  4. To filter your list of connections, use the Search Connections box or the Search with Filters link or both, at the top of the screen.
    • To search for someone’s name: Start typing a first or last name in the Search box. LinkedIn automatically shows you all the connections that match the name you’re typing. Press Enter after typing to see a filtered list of connections.
    • To search for more than just someone’s name: Click the Search with Filters link to display the Advanced LinkedIn search screen. Then click the 1st Connections check box. If you’re looking for, say, Internet professionals, expand the Industry section (by clicking Industry), and then click the Internet check box. LinkedIn can show you who in your network matches that request.

      filter sort LinkedIn Generate a targeted list of your connections based on a filter.
  5. Use the other filters, such as Location, to view a more targeted set of connections.

    search query LinkedIn See a detailed search query of your network.

    LinkedIn catalogs a wealth of information about you and your connections, allowing you to run specific searches on your network. Let’s say you’re looking for connections who have Disney as a current employer and who live in either Orange County or San Diego, California. Simply update the Company and Location filters and LinkedIn automatically searches to see the connections in your network that match this query.

    For most filters, you simply type words in a Search box, but for the Location filter, you have to click Add and type the location. Then, if the location doesn’t appear as an option, you select the closest area that LinkedIn has defined in its system to add that location to your search.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Joel Elad is the head of Real Method Consulting, where he provides consulting and advice for e-commerce companies and entrepreneurs.