Before working with Photoshop Elements 2020, you need to take photographs that are interesting and well composed. Some of these tips overlap and contain common concepts, but they’re all free; they don’t require any extra money or equipment.
©Pichugin Dimitry/Shutterstock Image #84040771
Position your subject at one of the intersecting points on the Rule-of-Thirds grid.
©szefei/Shutterstock Image #34162468
Use elements that frame your subject.
©Denis Kuvaev/Shutterstock Image #98052245
High-contrast shots demand attention.
©Yadid Levy/Alamy Stock Photo Image #AJR59T
You don’t have to trek to China to find leading lines, although you may not find a longer unbroken curve than the Great Wall.
©Mariia Savoskula/Shutterstock Image #112835215
Backlighting can yield dramatic images.
©Blend Images/Shutterstock Image #220912063
Provide direction to the people you’re photographing while also trying to capture their personalities.
©Abassaka/iStockphoto Image #5525490
Leave space in the frame for your subject to move into.
Find a focal point for your photos
One of the most important tools for properly composing a photo is establishing a focal point — a main point of interest. The eye wants to be drawn to a subject.Keep these tips in mind to help find your focal point:
- Pick your subject and then get close to it.
- Include something of interest in scenic shots.
- When it’s appropriate, try to include an element in the foreground, middle ground, or background to add depth and a sense of scale.
Use the rule of thirds when taking pictures
When you’re composing your shot, mentally divide your frame into vertical and horizontal thirds and position your most important visual element at any intersecting point. When you’re shooting landscapes, remember that a low horizon creates a dreamy and spacious feeling and that a high horizon gives an earthy and intimate feeling. For close-up portraits, try putting the face or eyes of a person at one of those points.
Position your subject at one of the intersecting points on the Rule-of-Thirds grid.
Cut the clutter in your photos
Here are some ways you can cut the clutter from your background:- Try to fill the frame with your subject.
- Shoot at a different angle.
- Move around your subject.
- Move your subject.
- Use background elements to enhance your subject.
- Use space around a subject to evoke a certain mood.
- If you’re stuck with a distracting background, use a wider aperture (such as f/4).
Frame your shots when taking pictures
When it’s appropriate, use foreground elements to frame your subject. Frames lead you into a photograph. You can use tree branches, windows, archways, and doorways, as shown. Your framing elements don’t always have to be sharply focused. Sometimes, if they’re too sharp, they distract from the focal point.
Use elements that frame your subject.
Employ contrast when taking pictures
Just remember, “Light on dark, dark on light.”
A light subject has more impact and emphasis if it’s shot against a dark background, and vice versa, as shown. Keep in mind, however, that contrast needs to be used carefully. Sometimes it can be distracting, especially if the high-contrast elements aren’t your main point of interest.
High-contrast shots demand attention.
Experiment with Viewpoints
Not much in the world looks fascinating when photographed from a height of 5 to 6 feet off the ground. Try to break out of this common mode by taking photos from another vantage point. Experiment with taking a photo from above the subject (bird’s-eye view) or below it (worm’s-eye view). A different angle may provide a more interesting image.Use leading lines when taking pictures
Leading lines are lines that lead the eye into the picture and, hopefully, to a point of interest. The best leading lines enter the image from the lower-left corner. Roads, walls, fences, rivers, shadows, skyscrapers, and bridges provide natural leading lines, especially in scenic or landscape photos. The photo shown here of the Great Wall of China is an example of curved leading lines.
You don’t have to trek to China to find leading lines, although you may not find a longer unbroken curve than the Great Wall.
Use light in your photos
Here are a few tips about light:- The best light is in early morning and later afternoon.
- Avoid taking portraits at midday.
- Overcast days can be great for photographing, especially portraits.
- Backlighting can produce dramatic results.

Backlighting can yield dramatic images.
- Ensure that the brightest light source isn’t directed into the lens to avoid lens flare.
- Use a flash in low light. For portraits, especially, positioning your flash so that the light comes from above at a 30- to 45-degree angle gives better depth and eliminates the risk of red eye.
- Get creative. Look for interesting patterns and effects created by the light.
Give direction in your photos
Don’t be afraid to play photo stylist:- Get someone to help direct.
- Give directions about where you want people to stand, look, lie down, and so on (see Figure 18-6).
- Designate the location.
- Arrange people around props, such as trees or cars.
- Use a variety of poses.
- Try to get people to relax.

Provide direction to the people you’re photographing while also trying to capture their personalities.
Consider direction of movement when taking photos
When the subject is capable of movement, such as a car, a person, or an animal, make sure that you leave more space in front of the subject than behind it, as shown. Likewise, if a person is looking out onto a vista, make sure that you include that vista.
Leave space in the frame for your subject to move into.