
How to Add Content to a Library in Salesforce

2016-08-17 17:31:15
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If you want Salesforce Content to be a highly effective sales tool for your staff, you have to organize your content so that people can easily find it. By using libraries, you can sort files into logical groupings. Adding content to a library — also known as contributing content — is simple. To upload a new document, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Libraries tab in the Content app and then click the Contribute button. The Contribute Content page appears.
  2. Click the Choose File button and browse your hard drive for the file that you want to upload. Salesforce Content automatically uploads the file you select. You can add a website link to refer people to an online video or to information stored on your intranet by clicking the Do You Want to Link to a website Instead link. After Salesforce Content uploads your document, it asks you to describe and publish your content.
  3. Give your content a descriptive title. Follow standard naming conventions within your company.
  4. Select the Publish to a Shared Library radio button to store this file in a library.
  5. Select the appropriate library from the drop-down menu.
  6. If you’re not the file’s author, select another user from the Author drop-down menu.
  7. (Optional) Add tags to this document if you want to identify it with words that may not be used in the standard library definitions. Separate tag words with commas. Be sure to use words that people would commonly search for when looking for this document. It’s a good idea to only allow a subset of content users to determine what tags should be used, if you want to use tags as an alternate way to better filter for content. Otherwise, you risk having redundancy of tag words (like datasheet and data sheet), which reduces their effectiveness.
  8. Click Publish when you’re done.
new content Contributing new content in Salesforce.

If you have some content that you want to share with two different groups, like sales and marketing, instead of creating a new library just to house their shared documentation, you can associate content with the two libraries by following these steps:

  1. Return to the Libraries home page.
  2. Select a document from the Top Content section.
  3. On the Content details page, click the Edit button.
  4. Select the Library Actions option and then click the Share with Another Library suboption. Highlight additional libraries with which to share this document and click the Publish button.

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

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About the book author:

Liz Kao has been a member of the Professional Services team as well as an independent Salesforce consultant. She has implemented CRM solutions for companies both large and small.

Jon Paz is a Salesforce consultant and former editor. He has delivered world-class solutions to an assortment of perplexing business challenges for his enterprise clients.