To create a price book in Salesforce, you need to be an administrator or have permission to manage price books. To create a price book from scratch, go to the Products home page and follow these steps:
- Click the Manage Price Books link under the Maintenance section, near the bottom of the page. A Price Book page appears with a related list for recent price books.
- Click the New button on the Recent Price Books related list. A New Price Book page appears in Edit mode.
- Complete the fields. Select the Active check box if you want to make the price book available.
- When you’re done, click Save. The Price Book detail page for your new price book appears with a Products related list.
- Click the Add button on the Products related list. A Product Selection page appears with a search tool and a list of products.
- Enter keywords and filter criteria, and then click the Search button to narrow your search.T he Product Selection page reappears with a list of products based on your search criteria.
- Use the check boxes on the search results to choose products and then click the Select button.An Add List Price page appears.
- Complete the fields. Select the check boxes in the Use Standard Price column if you want to use the standard price for the list price of a product or just enter a list price. You can select the Active check boxes to make products immediately available in the price book.
- When you’re done, click Save (or Save & More if you want to find more products). After you save the product, the Price Book detail page reappears, and your selected products have been added to the Products related list.