
How to Upload an Existing Database Table into an Access Web App

2016-03-26 07:20:08
From The Book:  
Access Forms and Reports For Dummies
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Access 2016 gives you the ability to upload a data table from an existing source such as an Access desktop database, an Excel spreadsheet, or text file. Follow these steps to upload an existing Access table. Steps for other file formats are similar.

  1. Click Table from the Create group on the Home tab of the Ribbon if necessary.

  2. Click Access from the Create a table from an existing data source list.

    The Get External Data dialog box appears, ready to serve.

    Select the source of the existing table.
    Select the source of the existing table.
  3. Click Browse, navigate to the file location, and then click on the file that contains your table.

  4. Click Open.

    The path and file name are entered in the File name text box in the Get External Data dialog box.

  5. Click OK.

    The Import Objects dialog box appears.

  6. Select the table name and click OK.

    The table and its data are imported into the web app.

  7. Click Close.

    The imported table appears down the left side of the web app screen.

Web app tables are maintained just like Access desktop database tables. Just open the Navigation Pane (F11), right-click the table, and choose Design View.

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About the book author:

Ken Cook built and manages a computer consulting business that has helped users for over 20 years. He's an expert at creating Microsoft Office and Access database solutions and teaches online Access courses.