You can add as many layers of analysis as made possible by the fields in the source data table. Say that you want to show the dollar sales that each market earned by business segment. Because the pivot table already contains the Market and Sales Amount fields, all you have to add is the Business Segment field.
So, simply click anywhere on the pivot table to open the PivotTable Fields dialog box, and then select the Business Segment check box. The figure illustrates what the pivot table should look like.
If clicking the pivot table doesn't open the PivotTable Fields dialog box, you can manually open it by right-clicking anywhere inside the pivot table and selecting Show Field List.
Imagine that your manager says that this layout doesn't work for him. He wants to see business segments displayed across the top of the pivot table report. No problem: Simply drag the Business Segment field from the Rows drop zone to the Columns drop zone. As you can see, this instantly restructures the pivot table to his specifications.