
Dealing with the New Excel 2007 File Formats

2016-03-26 23:12:42
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Office Excel 2007 supports the use of a new XML-based file format that Microsoft officially calls the Microsoft Office Open XML format. This new file format carries the filename extension .xlsx for Excel workbooks and .xlsm for macro-enabled workbooks. The new format is more efficient, resulting in smaller file sizes and offering superior integration with external data sources. Excel 2007 automatically saves any new workbook you create with the .xlsx extension unless you choose to save the file in a different format.

Fortunately, Excel 2007 has no trouble opening any workbook files saved in the .xls file format used by Excel versions 97 through 2003. More importantly, the program automatically saves all editing changes you make to these files in this original file format, and it warns you if you add a new Excel 2007 element to the existing workbook that’s not supported by its earlier versions.

Running the Compatibility Checker

You also can run the Compatibility Checker in Excel 2007 to find any potential compatibility issues if you plan to save the file in the Excel 97–2003 file format. To use this feature, follow these steps:

  1. In Excel 2007, open the workbook you want to check.

  2. Click the Office button, point to Prepare, and click Run Compatibility Checker.

    The Microsoft Office Excel – Compatibility Checker dialog box appears. Any features that might cause issues are listed in the Summary box.

  3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

If you’re working in an office environment where all the workbooks you produce with Excel 2007 must be saved in the old Excel 97–2003 file format for compatibility, you can change the program’s default Save setting so that the program always saves all new workbooks in the older file format. To do this, open the Save tab of the Excel Options dialog box (Office button→Excel Options) and then select Excel 97–2003 Workbook in the Save Files in This Format drop-down list.

Displaying filename extensions within Excel

By default, filename extensions such as .xlsx and .xls do not appear as part of the filename in the File Name text box in the Save As dialog box. However, you can change a setting in Windows to display these filename extensions. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window in Windows Vista or the My Documents window in Windows XP.

  2. Choose Tools→Folder Options.

    In Windows Vista, you may need to press the Alt key in order to see the menu bar.

    The Folder Options dialog box appears.

  3. Click the View tab.

  4. Remove the check mark from the Hide Extensions for Known File Types check box.

  5. Click OK.

Excel 2007 also supports a new binary file format called Office Excel 2007 Binary, or BIFF12, that carries the .xlsb filename extension. Select this binary format for huge spreadsheets that have to be backward compatible with earlier versions of Excel.

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About the book author:

Greg Harvey is a language scholar who has traced the roots of Tolkien’s work in European folklore and pre-Christian religious beliefs. He has studied 12 languages, including Elvish, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon.