
Hot Keys for Common Excel 2013 View Commands

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2016-03-26 15:40:39
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The hot key combination for all view-related commands in Excel 2013 is Alt+W (the last letter you see in vieW). Therefore, all the hot keys for switching the Excel worksheet into a new view begin with Alt+W. After you know that, you'll find most of the subsequent letters fairly easy to deal with.

Hot Key Excel Ribbon Command Function
Alt+WL View→Normal View Returns the worksheet to Normal view from Page Layout or Page Break Preview
Alt+WP View→Page Layout View Puts the worksheet into Page Layout view, showing the page breaks, margins, and rulers
Alt+WI View→Page Break Preview Puts the worksheet into Page Break Preview, showing pages breaks that you can adjust
Alt+WC View→Custom View Opens the Custom Views dialog box, where you can add or display custom views of the worksheet, including zoom settings, frozen panes, windows, and so forth
Alt+WVG View→Gridlines Hides and redisplays the row and column gridlines that form the cells in the Worksheet area
Alt+WG View→Zoom to Selection Zooms the Worksheet area in or out to the magnification percentage needed to display just the cell selection
Alt+WJ View→100% Returns the Worksheet area to the default 100% magnification percentage
Alt+WN View→New Window Inserts a new window in the current workbook
Alt+WA View→Arrange All Opens the Arrange dialog box, where you can select how workbook windows are displayed on the screen
Alt+WF View→Freeze Panes Opens the Freeze Panes drop-down menu, where you select how to freeze rows and columns in the Worksheet area: Freeze Panes (to freeze all the rows above and columns to the left of the cell cursor); Freeze Top Row; or Freeze First Column
Alt+WS View→Split Splits the worksheet into four panes using the top and left edge of the cell cursor as the vertical and horizontal dividing lines — press hot keys again to remove all panes
Alt+WH View→Hide Hides the current worksheet window or workbook
Alt+WU View→Unhide Opens the Unhide dialog box, where you can select the window or workbook to redisplay
Alt+WB View→View Side by Side Tiles two open windows or workbooks one above the other for comparison — press the hot keys again to restore the original full windows
Alt+WW View→Switch Windows Opens the Switch Windows drop-down menu, where you can select the open window or workbook to make active

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This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Greg Harvey is a language scholar who has traced the roots of Tolkien’s work in European folklore and pre-Christian religious beliefs. He has studied 12 languages, including Elvish, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon.