
How to Customize Charts from the Design Tab in Excel 2013

2016-03-26 15:50:54
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In Excel 2013, you can use the command buttons on the Design tab of the Chart Tools contextual tab to make all kinds of changes to your new chart. The Design tab contains the following groups of buttons to use:

  • Chart Layouts: Click the Add Chart Element button to modify particular elements in the chart such as the titles, data labels, legend, and so on. Click the Quick Layout button to select a new layout for the selected chart.

  • Chart Styles: Click the Change Colors button to display a pop-up palette with different colorful and monochromatic color schemes that you can apply to your chart. Highlight the various chart styles in the Chart Styles gallery to preview and select a style for the current type of chart.

  • Data: Click the Switch Row/Column button to interchange the worksheet data used for the Legend Entries (series) with that used for the Axis Labels (Categories) in the selected chart. Click the Select Data button to open the Select Data Source dialog box where you can not only interchange the Legend Entries (series) with the Axis Labels (Categories), but also edit out or add particular entries to either category.

  • Type: Click the Change Chart Type button to open the All Charts tab of the Change Chart Type dialog box where you can preview and select a new type of chart to represent your data.

  • Location: Click the Move Chart button to move the chart to a new chart sheet or another worksheet.

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About the book author:

Greg Harvey is a language scholar who has traced the roots of Tolkien’s work in European folklore and pre-Christian religious beliefs. He has studied 12 languages, including Elvish, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon.