
How to Insert Images from the Web in Excel 2013

2016-03-26 15:50:57
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In addition to downloading clip art from the Microsoft Office website for use in Excel 2013, you can also download pictures from the web using the Bing search engine. To download an image with Bing, open the Insert Pictures dialog box (Alt+NF), then click in the Search Bing text box where you type the keyword for the types of images you want to locate.

After you press Enter or click the Search button (the magnifying glass icon), the Insert Pictures dialog box displays a scrollable list of thumbnails for images matching your keyword. You can then click a thumbnail in the list to display a short description plus the size (in pixels) of the image in the lower-left corner of the Insert Pictures dialog box.

To get a better view of a particular image whose thumbnail is highlighted or selected in the list, click the View Larger button that appears in the thumbnail’s lower-right corner (the magnifying glass with a plus sign in it). Excel then displays a slightly larger version of the thumbnail in the center of the dialog box while at the same time blurring out all the other thumbnails in the background.

To insert one of the located images into the current worksheet, double-click its thumbnail if it’s not already selected in the list. If the thumbnail is selected, you can insert the image by clicking the Insert button or by pressing Enter.

Keep in mind that the major difference between downloading a clip art image and downloading an image with Bing is that, by and large, most clip art images are drawn illustrations whereas almost all the images located through Bing are photographs.

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About the book author:

Greg Harvey is a language scholar who has traced the roots of Tolkien’s work in European folklore and pre-Christian religious beliefs. He has studied 12 languages, including Elvish, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon.