Excel 2010 includes the Research task pane that you can use to search for information using online resources, such as Bing, Encarta Dictionary, Thesaurus, and MSN Money Stock Quotes. Because these resources are online, you must have Internet access available to use the Research task pane.
Click the Research button in the Proofing group on the Review tab.
The Research task pane appears on the right side of the worksheet.
Type the word or phrase you want to locate in the Search For text box at the top of the Research task pane.

As an example, you can look up stock quotes for Microsoft Corporation (MSFT).
Select the type of online reference(s) to be searched on the Show Results From drop-down menu.

You can choose to search a specific source, or choose one of the three grouped options: All Reference Books, All Research Sites, or All Business and Financial Sites.
Click the Start Searching button (next to the Search For text box) to begin the search.
Excel connects you to the designated online resource and displays the search results in the list box below.