Each Office 2019 application has a variety of viewing options available. Each view is suited for a certain type of activity in that Office 2019 application. For example, in Word, you can choose Draft view, which is speedy to work with and presents the text in a simple one-column layout. Or you can choose a Print Layout view, where you can see any special layout formatting you applied, such as multiple columns.
These views are available in Office 2019:
- Excel 2019
- Normal: Displays a regular row-and-column grid.
- Page Break Preview: Shows a zoomed-out version of the worksheet with page break lines that you can drag to adjust where they fall.
- Page Layout: Displays the content as it will appear on a printed page.
- Word 2019
- Read Mode: Optimizes the display for onscreen reading. You cannot edit the document in this view.
- Print Layout: Shows the document approximately as it will be printed, including any layout features, such as multiple columns.
- Web Layout: Displays the document as it will appear if saved as a web page and published on a website.
- Outline: Displays the document as an outline, with headings as outline levels.
- Draft: Displays the document in simple text form, in a single column.
- PowerPoint 2019
- Normal: This default view provides multiple panes for working with the content.
- Outline: The same as Normal view except instead of thumbnails of each slide you see a text outline of slide content.
- Slide Sorter: All of the slides appear as thumbnail images, which is useful for rearranging the order of slides.
- Notes Page: Each slide appears as a graphic on a page where notes are displayed.
- Reading View: Similar to Slide Show view except in a floating window rather than full screen.
- Slide Show: The presentation is shown to the audience, one slide at a time. The Slide Show view controls appear on the Slide Show tab, rather than on the View tab with the other views.