
How to Create and Enter Data in an Access 2013 Form

2016-06-03 18:40:33
Microsoft Power Platform For Dummies
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It’s easier to enter data in a form than in an Access data sheet. Therefore, you probably will need to create a form within Access 2013. Here's how.

Go to the Create tab and click the Form Wizard button.

Go to the Create tab and click the Form Wizard button.

You see the first of several Form Wizard dialog boxes. Answer these questions and keep clicking the Next button until the time comes to click Finish:

Tables/Queries: From the drop-down list, choose the name of the database table you need to enter data in.

Selected Fields: Click the >> button to enter all the field names in the Select Fields box.

Layout: Select the Columnar option button. The other layouts aren’t much good for entering data in a table. If you choose Tabular or Datasheet, you may as well enter data straight into the datasheet rather than rely on a form.

Title: Name your form after the table you created it for so you can identify the form easily in the Navigation pane.

To enter data in a form, click the New (Blank) Record button, which is with the Navigation buttons at the bottom of the form window.

To enter data in a form, click the New (Blank) Record button, which is with the Navigation buttons at the bottom of the form window.

A new, empty form appears.

Start typing. Press the Tab key, press the Enter key, or click to move from field to field.

Start typing. Press the Tab key, press the Enter key, or click to move from field to field.

You can move backward through the fields by pressing Shift+Tab. If you enter half a record and want to start over, press the Esc key to empty the current field. Press Esc again to empty all the fields.

The Navigation buttons at the bottom of the form window tell you how many records are in the database table and which record you’re looking at. From left to right, the Navigation buttons take you to the first record, previous record, next record, and last record.

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About the book author:

Peter Weverka is a veteran For Dummies author who has written about a wide variety of applications. Along with two bestselling editions of Office All-in-One For Dummies, Peter has written PowerPoint All-in-One For Dummies and Microsoft Money For Dummies.