
Word 2019 Text Entry and Formatting Shortcuts

2018-10-09 18:06:15
Microsoft Copilot For Dummies
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Word 2019 offers you many ways to interact with your document. There are multiple keyboard shortcuts that can be a great time-saver. With these keyboard shortcuts, you can speed up text editing and formatting.

To do this With the keyboard
Start a new line in the same paragraph Shift+Enter
Insert a page break Ctrl+Enter
Insert a column break Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Clear formatting Ctrl+spacebar
Make text subscript Ctrl+=
Make text superscript Ctrl+Shift++
Delete one character to the left Backspace
Delete one word to the left Ctrl+Backspace
Delete one character to the right Delete
Delete one word to the right Ctrl+Delete

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About the book author:

Faithe Wempen, M.A., is a Microsoft Office Master Instructor and the author of over 150 books on computer technology, including Outlook 2019 for Dummies and PowerPoint Bible. She is also a CompTIA A+ certified PC technician and an adjunct Computer Technology instructor at Purdue University. Her online courses in Office applications and digital literacy have educated over a quarter of a million students for corporate clients.