Don’t worry — when you print a PowerPoint 2013 presentation, no one’s waiting to ambush you with annoying one-liners like that guy who used to be on Saturday Night Live. The Print command. The Printmeister. Big presentation comin’ up. Printin’ some slides. The Printorama. The Mentor of de Printor. Captain Toner of the Good Ship Laseroo.
All that awaits you is a handful of boring dialog boxes with boring check boxes. Point-point, click-click, print-print.
The fastest way to print your presentation is to click the Quick Print button, which appears on the Quick Access toolbar. This button does not appear on your Quick Access toolbar by default. To add it, click the down arrow to the right of the Quick Access toolbar and then click the Quick Print button.
Clicking this Quick Print button prints your presentation without further ado, using the current printer settings. Usually, this action results in printing a single copy of all the slides in your presentation. But if you have altered the settings on the Print screen in Backstage View during the current PowerPoint session, clicking the Print button uses the altered settings automatically.